Dorothy Culver Funk  02/18/1919 - 01/30/2009

Dory Funk Jr. and His Mother, Dorothy Funk Culver

Dorothy Matlock - High School Photo 
Her love will live forever.

Funeral Services
Tuesday February 3rd 2009, 1:00pm
Memorial Park
Phone 806-374-3709

Husband - Bill Culver (Deceased)

Sister, Eleanor

Two Sons, Dory Funk Jr., Terry Funk

Grand Children:
Dory Funk, Penney Dustman, Adam Funk, Stacy Clenney, Brandee Dungan

Great Grand Children:
Sheldon, Coby, Bob, Jennifer, Kai, Daniel, Champe, Bella

Dorothy Culver (Santa Suit) and Husband Bill (Selling Christmas Trees)

My most pleasant memories are time spent sitting at the Kitchen Table sharing stories with Bill and Mom

Mom and Bill were proud of their business, Culver Tree Service
Photo is of Bill working from their bucket rig for trimming the "Big Ones."

Without Bill, Caring for the business became too much for Mother to handle by herself

Mom with Terry and I at Silver Springs in Ocala, Florida

Mom was close to all of my family. Photo is of Mom and my daughter, Penny Dustman

Mother with Dink, Doris (Dink is Grandchild) and Great Grand Children, Coby, Jennifer, Kai and Bob
At the age of 89, Mother could still relate to and love young people.

Mother Catching Some Rays on the Flying Mare Ranch (1954) Note watermelon vines against the porch. Terry and I
ate watermelon on the porch and washed the seeds off with a garden hose and the vines came up.

My mother, 1943 (Picture my father carried when he served in the Navy, WWII)
Mom tought me to pray.

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.

Thanks Mom for the Stars I counted every night
As they glowed in the Dark
On the ceiling of my little bedroom
At the old Trollinger Trailer Park.

Thanks for being there for all the victories,
and happy times, but especially thanks
for being there always. In sickness, injury,
and even failure. Thanks for being there now.

I wish you all the best that life can give.
You gave so much, You passed the test
Thanks again with all my love.
From your kid, You are the best.

Dory Funk Jr.

Adam Dirk Funk with Mom

Bill and Dorothy Culver in Their Church

Dorothy Culver and Dory Funk

Mom would show me her tummy where a new baby would come from. I asked her how did the baby get there. She said your Daddy planted a seed there. I asked, How did he do that? Mom explained.

At the age of four, I remember Mom reading from the Bible. Mother made sure Terry and I were baptized and raised in the teachings of our lord.

Mother bought me a brand new sailor suit to wear to church. I crawled under the car and got grease all over my new clothes.

Mom was an accomplished pianist playing any song I wanted to hear by ear. My favorite was the, "Fly and the Bumble Bee."

Christmas was always an exciting event. Mother kept a savings account of change left over from grocery allowance to make sure our Christmas tree had presents.

Mom told us of Santa Clause and how He would bring presents in a big bag. She caught my little brother, Terry with a pipe in his hand looking for Santa. He was going to hit Santa over the head and take all his presents.

Mom always told Terry and I how much she loved us when she put us to bed at night.

Mom never allowed Terry and I to fight when we were kids. I remember Terry and I calling each other a liar. Mom in no uncertain terms quoted us the scripture, "He who calls his brother a liar is in danger of HELL'S FIRE." That scared the "Hell" out of us.

Even until her last days, Mom would not allow us to fight with each other.

It was Mother who drove 30 miles a day to pick us up after school athletic programs.

From our first wrestling match when I was 8 and Terry was only 5 and through our Junior High School, High School and College athletic careers, Mom never missed a game, Traveling to Bowling Green Ohio to watch Terry Play and the Sun Bowl in El Paso for my final game.

Mom was a great cook especially when it came to fish we caught and wild game we hunted.

Mom herded cattle on the Flying Mare Ranch. She knew the old bull didn't like her but Mom would stand her ground.

She could shoot a 12 gauge shotgun and would go to any lengths to protect her family.

Mom stayed up all night holding our dog Shani's paw . Shani had been bitten by a rattlesnake. I believe Mom's love saved our dog's life.

Mom would give till there was no more to give to help someone in need.

Mom loved the Dallas Cowboys cheering them even through this last season and their near miss of the NFL playoffs. Mom proudly wore her Dallas Cowboys sweater at Craig Methodist Retirement Center.

I could speak to Mother any time talking about any subject.

Mom and Bill's house was my house and I spent many of nights with her on my trips to Amarillo, Taking late into the night.

Mom loved crosswords. On visits to Texas, I would sit in her house and do my best on the Globe News Crossword. When I could do no more, Mom would complete the puzzle. Even at the age of 89 she was a crossword expert.

Mother's nick-name was Dodo. It came about because my first born, Dory Funk III,  had difficulty saying her name, Dorothy, and could only come up with Dodo. To my kids, She was Dodo to the end.

My Daughter, Penny, knew at any hour of any day she could come to Mom's home and bring her kids, Mom's great grand-kids, for love, friendship, food, a warm bed and lots of laughter.

My youngest son, Dirk, was her youngest baby and all of her grandchildren, Stacy and Blue, their children and my brother Terry and his wife Vicki, knew Mom  was proud of us, all of us. 

Mom loved her children, grand children and great grand children unconditionally.

In mother's eyes, Terry and I could do no wrong. She was always on  our side.

Mother accepted us all for who we were, loving all of my family through two marriages and giving so much love to my second wife now of 25 years, Marti Funk, through the good times and the difficult times.

Even though her body was 89 at her passing, her mind was always young keeping her sense of humor through her last days.

Mom was even my alarm clock, calling and waking me up for important meetings.  Now I don't know who is going to wake me for early meetings in the morning and get me going,

Mom, "I guess I need an alarm clock now."

Mom, I miss you every day.

Dory Funk Jr.